Don’t chaos With Texas to Science Students

The United States President Barack Obama hosts the succeeding “White House Science Fair” celebrating the student winners of a broad array of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) competitions beginning across the country. The President viewed the employment of Presidio, Texas, students Janet Nieto and Ana Karen, of Presidio High School's Rocketry Team, and 7th grade student Gwynelle Condino, of Lucy Franco Middle School, in the Red Room of the White House at Feb. 7 of 2012. 
Motivating around Texas, anywhere I encouraged to study chemistry in graduate school, there was a bumper sticker I may frequently see slapped against the trucks of transplants like in my opinion: “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.” I was reminded of this inspirational slogan Tuesday at the White House Science Fair where student teams from two towns in Texas were invited for the hard work and resourcefulness they have applied to scientific and engineering problems that talents will lend a hand them speed to whatever life and career they dream for themselves as fast as they be capable of.


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