The US President Obama has hosted an occasion at the White House to talk about the payroll tax cut, which Congress voted to extend last week. Flanked by a group of Americans who has shared stories regarding what they would be forced to provide up without the tax cut.
He gave credit to all of those who added their voices to the dispute:
“This got done because of you; because you called, you emailed, you tweeted your representatives and you demanded action. You made it clear that you wanted to see some common sense in Washington. And because you did, no working American is going to see their taxes go up this year. That's good news. Because of what you did, millions of Americans who are out there still looking for work are going to continue to get help with unemployment insurance. That’s because of you.”
For President Obama, that means we need to maintain pushing to assist the recovery add more energy:
“Now my message to Congress is: Don’t stop here. Keep going. Keep taking the action that people are calling for to keep this economy growing. This may be an election year, but the American people have no patience for gridlock and just a reflexive partisanship, and just paying attention to poll numbers and the next election instead of the next generation and what we can do to strengthen opportunity for all Americans. Americans don’t have the luxury to put off tough decisions. And neither should we. There's a lot more we can do -- and there's plenty of time to do it -- if we want to build an economy where every American has a chance to find a good job that pays well and supports a family.”
President Obama has called on lawmakers to keep the momentum going by passing his sketch to help dependable homeowners refinance their mortgages and save around $3,000 a year. He has also said that Congress should maintain America's small businesses by rewarding companies that remain jobs in the United States instead of those that send abroad jobs overseas. He alleged in the concern of lawmakers necessitate to make the Buffett Rule a reality and so that millionaires pay a tax rate of at least 30 percent.
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